
Sun Bed, Spray Tan & Red Light Skin Care 

Maximum Skin Care, Maximum Bronzing

Tanning isn’t just about achieving that beautiful bronze color — it’s also about taking great care of your skin. Indoor tanning intensifiers, bronzers and tan extenders enhance your tanning capability while also providing extra care to your skin via intense moisturizers and skin conditioners. Midnite Sun gives you a sun kissed hue and using our professional indoor Tanning Lotions gives you glowing skin !

You will keep your color longer when you use a professional tanning lotion:
1. Keeps skin moisturized and enhances your healthy glow. Skin stays supple and soft.
2. You will tan faster as they absorb the UV rays  & many lotions contain tyrosine which will build your melanin. You will get a deeper darker tan in less time. 
3. Look younger and slow aging- Many of our professional products contain ingredients that make your skin look and feel younger. Look for lotions with skin firming compounds and vitamins. 
4. Tan faster- prevent burns- Tanning lotions help you tan faster so you spend less time in the bed,. They build a base tan faster reducing your chance of burning out in the sun. 
5. Saves you money- When you do not use a professional indoor  tanning bed lotion you waste up to 70% of your session. The rays cannot penetrate dry flaky skin. 
Always carry your lotions and eyewear with you and apply immediately before your tanning session in the room. Do not apply at home to save time. Your clothes rough up your skin and the lotion you applied at home prior to coming in  is useless for  your indoor tanning session.  We recommend varying your lotion depending on your needs and to move between a bronzer, pure lotion and tingle/hot action/warming if you like them. We offer lotions designed for double and triple dipping( UV Sunbed, Spray Tan and Red Light). We also offer premium  skin care products  just for red light to use at home and before you Red Light.  Using Our Cal Tan Sunless products prior to and after your spray Tan will help your Spray Tan be even and darker longer.